@version is supposed to be the current version of the API, so it
needs to be updated for each release, and thus should have the new
API name. (If you don't update it, it degenerates to being the same
as @since.)
Richard Monson-Haefel wrote on 7/18/19
8:45 AM:
Hi Scott,
this line tripped me up "
- Leave existing "@since XYZ
1.x" uses alone. These refer to the old JCP version. Future
additions should use the Jakarta project name.
Can you add another line about leaving the @version the same as
well? That's where I went wrong.
I have updated the https://wiki.eclipse.org/How_to_Prepare_API_Projects_to_Jakarta_EE_8_Release to
reflect this.
I’m fine with
> On Jul 16, 2019, at 2:19 PM, Bill Shannon
> By default, the acronyms refer to the JCP
specs. We only need the "disclaimer" when we want
to use the acronyms to refer to Jakarta EE specs.
> So, I think we can leave the @since entries
as they are, referring to the JCP specs, and then
in the future use the Jakarta spec name in new
@since entries.
> (Note that this only works if the spec hasn't
already included the disclaimer so that the
acronym refers to the Jakarta EE spec. In that
case it's a bit weird to use the acronym referring
to the Jakarta EE spec along with a version number
that predates the Jakarta EE spec, but that may be
an acceptable compromise.)
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