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Re: [ee4j-pmc] Short names and URLs

I agree.  We settled on the flat project structure, but this issue is about the URLs being used to access the project resources.

Mike Milinkovich wrote on 12/14/2017 05:17 AM:

Are you two discussing the same thing? This thread started talking about the structure of URLs, but seems to have veered into discussing project structures. There is at least the possibility that you're miscommunicating.

On 2017-12-14 12:13 AM, Wayne Beaton wrote:
A hierarchical structure is more work for the project team. By introducing an extra level of hierarchy, you are introducing extra projects which require additional management. Just setting them up requires that you come up with names. What resources are allocated to the organizational nodes? Do those extra nodes in the hierarchy have their own websites? Who has what roles on those organizational nodes?

Frankly, it's not all that much more work for me.

What, specifically, are we doing to work around a "flat" structure?

If there is some demonstrable value in having a hierarchy within EE4J, we can introduce it. But let's do that after we get what we have bootstrapped.


On Wed, Dec 13, 2017 at 11:46 PM, Ian Robinson <ian_robinson@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Wayne, a hierarchical structure might be more work for Eclipse but every time we discuss this we seem to end up trying to work around the flat structure. I don't want to slow us down by reopening this but I would not be surprised if a year along we found ourselves needing to do that. There's a level of collective scale here that a project hierarchy may have a benefit that eclipse has not observed before Regards, Ian Sent from IBM Verse

Bill Shannon --- Re: [ee4j-pmc] Short names and URLs ---

From: "Bill Shannon" <bill.shannon@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Wayne Beaton" <>
Cc: "EE4J PMC Discussions" <ee4j-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2017 22:53
Subject: Re: [ee4j-pmc] Short names and URLs

If the web sites for all the EE4J projects were under, that would at least make the naming consistent.  Ditto  Is there some reason not to do that?

Wayne Beaton wrote on 12/13/17 02:33 PM:
The project space is absolutely a hierarchy. e.g. look at the "Related Links" on the right of

I tend to argue against making a hierarchy any deeper than <root>/<tlp>/<project> because making it deeper adds work that doesn't add value.

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