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Re: [ee4j-pmc] [ee4j-community] Initial Committer Lists & Project Meritocracy

There are no projects for specs, just API. I added you as a candidate to our list. We will discuss it on the next PMC meeting and let you know.


On 4 Dec 2017, at 09:31, Mark Thomas <markt@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On 03/12/17 20:47, Dmitry Kornilov wrote:
We tried to be careful creating initial committers lists, but we are
humans and can make mistakes. :)
If someone supposed to be there, but not included, please add a comment
to a proposal or contact PMC or me directly. We will discuss it on the
following PMC meeting and make a decision. All projects proposals are on
public review now. This is right time to address this kind of issues.

As requested, please consider adding me (Mark Thomas / markt@xxxxxxxxxx)
to the initial committer list for the Eclipse Project for WebSocket API.

When the time comes please also consider adding me to the initial
committer lists for:
- WebSocket spec
- Servlet API
- Servlet spec
- JSP spec
- EL spec

Yes, EL and JSP are in low activity maintenance mode but I'm assuming
that they will migrate with the rest and there are a handful of minor
issues where some further clarification could be helpful so a future
maintenance release isn't completely out of the question.



We included people in initial committers lists using the following rules:

1. GitHub project committers with 5+ commits. Committers who didn’t
expose email address on GitHub were NOT added. Email must be filled to
add a committer. It may be an issue. To get added, see above.
2. EG members are NOT added automatically. They are added only if they
had 5+ commits. All APIs are already released which assumes all EGs
disbanded. Again, if someone from EG wants to join as initial committer,
see above.
3. There are a bunch of initial committers from vendors which will
support projects in future.


On 3 Dec 2017, at 16:19, John D. Ament <john.d.ament@xxxxxxxxx
<mailto:john.d.ament@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:


I want to raise a comment on one of the proposals to this group, to
make sure its not lost and see if PMC members or other committers have
any comments on it.

Mark Thomas raised a comment about Initial Committers, and how they
seem to be missing some Expert Group

I'm wondering, as well, are expert group members encouraged to sign
up?  Should they be explicitly solicited to join the projects?

Likewise, for the RI projects, how are the initial committers
gathered?  As a for instance, if I compare the OpenMQ contributor list
and initial committers:

They seem to be misaligned.  In other organizations, I recommend new
projects to limit initial committers to those who are actively working
on the project, and work on community building to add potential new
contributors to the project after the fact; typically after they've
established a level of meritocracy on the project.

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