With 1.0.5 parent deploy target will go trough nexux plugin and
close deployment. If you are using copy of my scripts, replace MVN_DEPLOY_ARGS='deploy:deploy'
with MVN_DEPLOY_ARGS='nexus-staging:deploy' and it will
work too.
I already answered this to Jim:
problem in jakartaee-stable project is in wrong OSSRH profiles
If you check
output, you'll see list of profiles configured for
[INFO] 7edbe315063867 BOTH Central Bundles
[INFO] 70f72c5a53adb4 BOTH jakarta.management.j2ee
Here is a list of profiles in metro project:
[INFO] 7edbe315063867 BOTH Central Bundles
[INFO] 70f899f21e20bd BOTH com.sun.wts.tools.ant
[INFO] 70f899ae8d65f9 BOTH com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj
[INFO] 70fa302c4b5e18 BOTH com.sun.xml.rpc
[INFO] 70f83490d1fb38 BOTH com.sun.xml.stream.buffer
[INFO] 70f858851cce46 BOTH com.sun.xml.ws
[INFO] 70f9e844006a20 BOTH javax.xml
[INFO] 64aaddb9429146 BOTH org.glassfish
[INFO] 70f857fe3a5334 BOTH org.glassfish.metro
[INFO] 70f85cb96b6607 BOTH org.jvnet.mimepull
-> each groupId (subproject) has its own profile.
OSSRH must add profile for each of your project (groupId) too.
I already tested closing jakartaee-stable artifacts in Central
Bundles profile, but it was not working.
Dne 12.11.18 v 21:27 arjan tijms
Is there any recommended way to run the Jenkins
script now?
If I just update to 1.0.5 parent and rebuild the
Jenkins job, it again deploys to this nasty unreachable
staging repo. In case of JACC that is:
This still results in:
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Kind regards,
Hi All,
we have parent pom 1.0.5 in maven central. I tested it with
project and it works fine.
Now we have nexus plugin config available in parent so nexus
manipulation will be more easy.
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