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Re: [eclipse-mirrors] Limiting the amount mirrored


Can you confirm if you're using the eclipseMirror or eclipseFullMirror stanza?  If memory serves me correctly, you are hosting an internal mirror, and when it was set up many moons ago you told us you wanted everything, which would qualify for using our restricted, but complete eclipseFullMirror.

On the other hand, eclipseMirror already has an exclusion list to filter out all the nightly builds we can think of.  Currently it is this, but we update it as we discover new stuff:

exclude = drops/I* drops/N* drops/M* *.jpg *.gif callisto/staging/ callisto/testUpdates/ eclipse/testUpdates/ eclipse/updates/3.2milestones dev/TPTP* tools/cdt/builds/* modeling/gmf/downloads/drops/B* *drops/*/N* *drops/*/I* linuxtools/N* nightly /webtools/downloads/drops/*/M* /releases/staging  /tools/orbit/committers

Feel free to keep using eclipseFullMirror and tweak your exclude list, or switch over to using eclipseMirror.



On 11/18/2009 03:10 PM, Jim Cooper wrote:
For various reasons, we want to mirror the ENTIRE Eclipse repo, EXCEPT for nightly builds.

In working things out a year or so ago, we came up with this command (in our local copy of

RSYNC="/usr/bin/rsync --delete-excluded --exclude=drops/N* --exclude=drops/I* "

However, not all Eclipse projects have been following the 'standard' naming scheme.  I recently had to change the command to the following:

RSYNC="/usr/bin/rsync --delete-excluded --exclude=drops/N* --exclude=drops/I* --exclude=nightly/* --exclude=drops/\d+.\d+.\d+/N* "

which appears to avoid _most_ nightly build stuff.

Thought it was time to share this, in case anyone else has similar requirements... and maybe other patterns which do a better job.  I may not have these patterns correct, etc., though they seem to be working alright.

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