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[eclipse-mirrors] Eclipse Mirror problems from Italy

Hi Denis,
due to the problems we pointed you out yesterday (rsynch script not working) there is now a problem from Italy.
In fact when we try to download from Eclipse there is just our mirror proposed from Italy, but now it is not working, so people are not able to download.
In the meanwhile we have launched the single rynch command line extracted from the script
$RSYNC -rtlvp --delete $RSYNC_HOST::$RSYNC_PATH/* $mirror_path
changed into 
$RSYNC -rtlvp --delete $RSYNC_HOST::$RSYNC_PATH $mirror_path
(we found a post from you where you suggested this)
so now the synch process has started in some way, but it appears to last quite a bit.
Could you remove us as mirror from Italy, just until we are in synch?
Thank you very much.

Vincenzo Caselli
RCP Vision

On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 10:57 AM, RCP-Vision <info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Denis,
we changed the following lines in the script:

# Set the base path for your mirror site here
# No ending /
# if you rsync from master server, use these options

# if you rsync from Europe, you can use these.  Comment the master server options above
# UK server - for European mirrors

but when running we get this error:

root@ubuntu:~# sh
Welcome to the University of Kent's UK Mirror Service

More information can be found at our web site:
Please send comments or questions to help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Please use for rsync access, for ftp access and
don't use for anything other than http.

As your mileage may vary...

Thanks. UKMS Admins.

sent 116 bytes  received 465 bytes  1162.00 bytes/sec
total size is 10  speedup is 0.02
[: 128: ==: unexpected operator
[: 132: ==: unexpected operator
[: 139: ==: unexpected operator
[: 143: ==: unexpected operator
[: 147: ==: unexpected operator
[: 151: ==: unexpected operator
[: 155: ==: unexpected operator
[: 159: ==: unexpected operator
[: 164: ==: unexpected operator
[: 168: ==: unexpected operator
[: 172: ==: unexpected operator
[: 176: ==: unexpected operator
[: 180: ==: unexpected operator
[: 184: ==: unexpected operator

what are we doing wrong?
Thank you very much.

Vincenzo Caselli
RCP Vision

On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 11:56 PM, portal on behalf of webmaster <webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Thank you for volunteering to be an Eclipse mirror!  I've added your IP
address to the access list and you should be able to sync with our server

You can use the script at this location to update your mirror.  Simply
configure the base path and set the mirror options you have selected when
completing the registration process:

For faster RSYNC service, please use the RSYNC hubs in USA or Europe.

Please subscribe to the eclipse-mirrors mailing list at and send a message
when you have completed syncing and I'll add your link to our download
page!  Also please advise me if you decide to change any of the mirroring

If you have any questions, please let me know.



Eclipse WebMaster - webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxx
Questions? Consult the FAQ at

Vincenzo Caselli
RCP Vision
E-mail: v.caselli@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Mobile: +39 347 1267872
Skype: vincenzocaselli
Gtalk: vincenzo.caselli

Vincenzo Caselli
RCP Vision
E-mail: v.caselli@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Mobile: +39 347 1267872
Skype: vincenzocaselli
Gtalk: vincenzo.caselli

Vincenzo Caselli
RCP Vision
E-mail: v.caselli@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Mobile: +39 347 1267872
Skype: vincenzocaselli
Gtalk: vincenzo.caselli

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