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[eclipse-mirrors] Clarification around mirror script

Hello list,

We've been using the provided mirror sync script but i have few
thoughts on optimisations and such stuff on which i need a

First the info:
 * i am the admin of mirror
 * we are prety fine with the status of the current mirror script
 * we are not fine with the way it operates

Why we are not fine?
 * because the script syncs the TIME file but does no checking on it
 * because it uselessly at least scans the whole archive causing
unneded strain on both disks and networks.

What i need to be clarified?
 * How are theese TIME files generated. For example if there is a
change in let's say birt directory will it update both the TIME files
in birt and the main root

Also as a side note if you are syncing the full archive (at least from
mirrorservice) there is an error in the sync line. It is:
  	$RSYNC -rtlvp --delete $RSYNC_HOST::$RSYNC_PATH/* $mirror_path
but should be:
  	$RSYNC -rtlvp --delete --delete-after $RSYNC_HOST::$RSYNC_PATH/ $mirror_path

This way it is much more cleaner and usefull. Also maybe the "v" is
not needed (it adds too much clutter) though it could be usefull.

Please voice your oppinions.
С уважение,
Владимир Витков

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