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[eclipse-mirrors] New firewall

Greetings to all mirror site maintainers,

The Eclipse Foundation will be installing a new firewall tonight, November 9 between 6:00pm and 7:00pm EST. There will be a brief outage while we connect the firewall, but it should go unnoticed from the general public's perspective.

Although the new firewall is configured to allow rsync access from our mirror sites, it is possible that some mirror sites experience problems when when synchronizing with the main download servers once the new firewall is in place. If this happens, please send me an e-mail at webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxx stating this, and please include the following information:

- your name and e-mail address, for my records
- your organization
- the internet-facing IP address that requires RSYNC access

I apologize for the inconvenience this may cause, and wish to thank you for your continued efforts in maintaning an Eclipse Mirror site.


Eclipse WebMaster - webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxx
Questions? Consult the FAQ at
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