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[eclipse-mirrors] Updated mirroring instructions: timestamp file now required

We are in the process of implementing mirmon, software which will provide a status page for all eclipse mirrors so users are aware of the last time that a mirror was updated.
A file containing a timestamp will be replicated to all mirrors to accommodate this software.  In order to replicate this timestamp file, many mirror sites will have to add an additional rsync command to their script  that retreives the eclipse drops.

The command is as follows

rsync -rtlv --delete   /local/path/to/mirror/eclipse/downloads/drops

Also, this file will need to be accessible for viewing on the remote server's web page.

Please verify that you have a copy of the /local/path/to/mirror/eclipse/downloads/drops/TIME file on your eclipse mirror. If not, you will have to add the above line to your rsync script.

The updated instructions are available here...

Any questions regarding this change can be directed to webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxx or the eclipse-mirrors@xxxxxxxxxxx mailing list.

Thank you!


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