On 11/13/2014 5:31 AM, Wim Jongman wrote:
I've never asked for a blank check. What I'm asking for is **some
commitment to the needs of the project**. If we participate in
Mars, then I will (of course) contribute a significant chunk of my
time to meeting the SR needs/requirements, along with doing other
Unfortunately, it doesn't work like that. I can't say in advance
exactly how long each task will take, because in many cases (e.g.
satisfying IP Documentation and Logs) it depends upon a number of
'known unknowns' (e.g. how many CQs we file, or how many code
contributions are made by committers or contributors, or how much
work the Tycho releng conversion work entails, etc.). All very
difficult to predict precisely at this point.
Yeah I have been doing it for a few years. Sure I could write down
everything I've been doing, but unless there are others to assist
there's no point in me writing things down...as the process,
requirements, and schedule for SR are very well documented
already. Here's the process overview [1]. Here are the 'must dos'
[2]. Here is the Mars plan and schedule [3].
This is fine/good, thanks. I will add actions (and detail existing
ones) that are not yet present in this table.
To clarify: Wim and Harshana (committers) apparently feel that
1) It's worth it for ECF to participate in Mars (question 1)
2) Wim and Harshana (and I) are able and willing to contribute to
the associated work to participate (thanks for that commitment)
Before seeking other commitments and details and coordination on 2,
are there any comments about the general importance of 1?
[1] http://wiki.eclipse.org/SimRel/Overview
[3] http://wiki.eclipse.org/Mars/Simultaneous_Release_Plan