>>>> Hi Abhisek, Markus, and all,
>>>> I would like to jump in here and make the following suggestion :) If
>>>> others think this is a good idea, then someone can open a documentation
>>>> enhancement request/bug.
>>>> For each of the discovery providers that ECF now supports (zeroconf,
>>>> xmlfile-based discovery, service locator protocol (slp), and apache
>>>> zookeeper), I think we should put together a wiki page(s) that describes
>>>> how the discovery can be configured...for lans, wans, etc.
>>>> For example, what are the system properties that the discovery provider
>>>> understands/can respond to, and how it affects the discovery
>>>> communication? As well, we should have in one reference location a
>>>> description of the ECF OSGi service properties that can be used to
>>>> customize the discovery for any/all providers (e.g. the service uri, the
>>>> service name, etc...I'll bet you didn't know these things could be
>>>> customized, but they can :-).
>>>> I expect that questions like Abhisek's about configuring the various
>>>> discovery providers (in particular) will be fairly common, and so I
>>>> believe it makes sense to get out in front of this sort of request prior
>>>> to the release.
>>>> I can't currently commit to doing this myself right away...so apologize
>>>> for suggesting work that must be done by others. But I suspect that if
>>>> we all contribute to coordinate our work on this documentation, then it
>>>> can/will go pretty quickly and easily...and be very useful for any/all
>>>> consumers of ECF remote services.
>>>> Any takers? How would the discovery contributors in the ECF community
>>>> like to coordinate work on this? I think that Markus, as the discovery
>>>> API lead should probably decide how/whether/when to do this and how to
>>>> get consistency in format (e.g. template?), so I'll leave those choices
>>>> to him.
>>>> Make sense?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Scott
>>>> abhisek saikia wrote:
>>>>> Hi Macus
>>>>> Can i configure a set of ips only to be discovered.?
>>>>> Thanks and Regards
>>>>> Abhisek
>>>>> On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 1:59 PM, Markus Alexander Kuppe
>>>>> <
ecf-dev_eclipse.org <
>>>>> <
http://lemmster.de>> wrote:
>>>>> On 05/21/2010 10:12 AM, abhisek saikia wrote:
>>>>> > Hi
>>>>> > I am using ECF generic and jmdns discovery.How can i avoid
>>>>> broadcast
>>>>> > of remote service.Is there any way to specify ip and port
>>>>> range to
>>>>> > broadcast?
>>>>> Hi Abhisek,
>>>>> JmDNS does not use broadcast but multicast and the spec defines the
>>>>> multicast group "" and port "5353" respectively. If
>>>>> needed,
>>>>> the port can be tweaked by "net.mdns.port". If you also need to
>>>>> adjust
>>>>> the multicast group, you will have to file an enhancement request
>>>>> upstream [0].
>>>>> Btw. if you want to disable discovery completely, just undeploy the
>>>>> jmdns provider.
>>>>> Markus
>>>>> [0]
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Pavel Samolisov, PhD Student
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