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Re: [ecf-dev] ECF move to runtime project

Hi Markus,

Markus Alexander Kuppe wrote:
<stuff deleted>


I know I've been nagging about this before, but what about slipping a
switch from CVS to subversion into the rt move? Other Eclipse projects
have already been using it successfully for a while, subversive is up to
the task and SVN's feature set is just worth it.

I agree (about it being worth it). My *only* hesitation is WRT the Equinox p2 and platform usage (and therefore build) of ECF. Currently, we are building our own plugins and providing them to the platform so it probably would not be a major issue, but frankly given this bug:

...and the possibility of other pieces of ECF being consumed by Equinox, RT, and Eclipse (e.g. e.g. discovery, various providers, remote services, etc)...and the (hopefully forthcoming) new effort on shared build infrastructure...I want to try to make it as easy as possible for us to be flexible about scc and build...which leads me to the 'lowest common denominator'...i.e. CVS.

Other comments/opinions welcome.


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