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[ecf-dev] Radical proposal

ECF is cool, no doubt about that. But the API is, IMHO, a bit verbose
and complex. I made a simple xmpp client that joined a chat room and
said hi. Here are three pieces of code. The first is using just the
Smack library. The second uses ECF. The third is how I would like it in


XMPPConnection conn = new XMPPConnection("");
conn.login("tim", "password");
MultiUserChat chat = new MultiUserChat(conn, "timtest@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx");

IContainer client = ContainerFactory.getDefault().createContainer("ecf.xmpp.smack");
ID server = IDFactory.getDefault().createID(client.getConnectNamespace(), "tim@xxxxxxxxxx");
IPresenceContainer presence = (IPresenceContainer) client.getAdapter(IPresenceContainer.class);

client.connect(server, ConnectContextFactory.createPasswordConnectContext("password"));

IChatRoomManager chatmanager = presence.getChatRoomManager();
IChatRoomContainer chatroom = chatmanager.createChatRoomContainer();
ID roomID = IDFactory.getDefault().createID(chatroom.getConnectNamespace(), new Object[] {"tim","",null,"timtest","santa"});
chatroom.connect(roomID, null);
IChatMessageSender chatSender = chatroom.getChatMessageSender();

A not so complex ECF
IContainer client = ContainerFactory.createContainer("ecf.xmpp.smack");

ID server = client.createID("");
client.connect(server, new Auth("tim", "password"));

IChatRoomContainer chatRoom = client.getAdapter(IChatRoomManager.class).join("timtest");


Note that I'm no well-known super architect and don't know the ins
and outs of ECF, so this might be crazy. What are your reactions?


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