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[ecf-build] Build failed in Hudson: N-HEAD-sdk.feature #219

See <>

Started by user mkuppe
[workspace] $ /usr/bin/cvs -Q -z3 -d :pserver:anonymous@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:/cvsroot/rt/ co -P -D "Wednesday, May 19, 2010 6:44:44 PM UTC" org.eclipse.ecf/
$ computing changelog
[workspace] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/
+ echo -n 'purge old buckminster output'
purge old buckminster output+ test -e buckminster.output
+ test -e buckminster.temp
+ test -e site.p2
+ test -e projects
+ test -e .metadata
+ test -e junit_result.xml
+ test -e coverage_report.xml
+ echo -n 'cp all target, mspecs, rmap and cqueries to build root'
cp all target, mspecs, rmap and cqueries to build root+ find -L org.eclipse.ecf -type f -iname '*.rmap'
+ xargs -i cp '{}' .
+ find -L org.eclipse.ecf -type f -iname '*.mspec'
+ xargs -i cp '{}' .
+ find -L org.eclipse.ecf -type f -iname '*.cquery'
+ xargs -i cp '{}' .
+ echo -n 'create targetplatform and projects folder'
create targetplatform and projects folder+ test -e targetPlatformPath
+ mkdir -p targetPlatformPath/
+ test -e projects
+ mkdir projects/
+ echo -n 'Flatten Repository'
Flatten Repository+ find -L org.eclipse.ecf -type f -iname .project -printf '%h\n'
+ xargs -i cp -rf '{}' projects/
+ echo -n 'HACK!!! rename features containing "-" to "_" so they can be found by Bucky'
HACK!!! rename features containing "-" to "_" so they can be found by Bucky+ for f in 'projects/*-feature'
++ echo projects/org.eclipse.ecf.base-feature
++ tr - _
+ mv projects/org.eclipse.ecf.base-feature projects/org.eclipse.ecf.base_feature
+ for f in 'projects/*-feature'
++ echo projects/org.eclipse.ecf.core-feature
++ tr - _
+ mv projects/org.eclipse.ecf.core-feature projects/org.eclipse.ecf.core_feature
+ for f in 'projects/*-feature'
++ echo projects/org.eclipse.ecf.example-feature
++ tr - _
+ mv projects/org.eclipse.ecf.example-feature projects/org.eclipse.ecf.example_feature
+ for f in 'projects/*-feature'
++ echo projects/org.eclipse.ecf.platform-feature
++ tr - _
+ mv projects/org.eclipse.ecf.platform-feature projects/org.eclipse.ecf.platform_feature
+ for f in 'projects/*-feature'
++ echo projects/org.eclipse.ecf.provider.filetransfer.httpclient-feature
++ tr - _
+ mv projects/org.eclipse.ecf.provider.filetransfer.httpclient-feature projects/org.eclipse.ecf.provider.filetransfer.httpclient_feature
+ for f in 'projects/*-feature'
++ echo projects/org.eclipse.ecf.remoteservice-feature
++ tr - _
+ mv projects/org.eclipse.ecf.remoteservice-feature projects/org.eclipse.ecf.remoteservice_feature
+ for f in 'projects/*-feature'
++ echo projects/org.eclipse.ecf.sdk-feature
++ tr - _
+ mv projects/org.eclipse.ecf.sdk-feature projects/org.eclipse.ecf.sdk_feature
+ for f in 'projects/*-feature'
++ echo projects/org.eclipse.ecf.server-feature
++ tr - _
+ mv projects/org.eclipse.ecf.server-feature projects/org.eclipse.ecf.server_feature
+ for f in 'projects/*-feature'
++ echo projects/org.eclipse.ecf.tests-feature
++ tr - _
+ mv projects/org.eclipse.ecf.tests-feature projects/org.eclipse.ecf.tests_feature
+ for f in 'projects/*-feature'
++ echo projects/org.eclipse.ecf.tests-platform-feature
++ tr - _
+ mv projects/org.eclipse.ecf.tests-platform-feature projects/org.eclipse.ecf.tests_platform_feature
+ echo -n 'HACK!!! align folder and feature ids'
HACK!!! align folder and feature ids+ test -e projects/org.eclipse.ecf.sdk_feature
+ mv projects/org.eclipse.ecf.sdk_feature projects/org.eclipse.ecf.sdk
+ test -e projects/org.eclipse.ecf.core_feature
+ mv projects/org.eclipse.ecf.core_feature projects/org.eclipse.ecf.core
+ echo -n 'Done, ready to fire off Bucky\n===================\n'
Done, ready to fire off Bucky\n===================\n[workspace] $ /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_16/bin/java -Dbuckminster.output.root=<> -Dbuckminster.temp.root=<> -Xmx768m -Xms768m -XX:PermSize=512M -XX:MaxPermSize=512M -Decf.p2.repository=${ECF_P2_REPOSITORY} -Dsite.signing=false -Dsite.pack200=true -Dstaging.area=/home/data/httpd/download-staging.priv/rt/ecf -Dsigning.type=eclipse.remote -Declipse.committer.keyfile=/usr/share/tomcat5/.ssh/id_rsa -Dqualifier.replacement.*=generator:buildTimestamp -Dgenerator.buildTimestamp.format='v'yyyyMMdd-HHmm -DtargetPlatformPath=<> -DprojectsPath=<> -jar /opt/toolbox/ -application org.eclipse.buckminster.cmdline.headless -data <> --loglevel info -S <>
INFO:  installJRE '--location' '/opt/toolbox/'
INFO:  installJRE '--location' '/opt/toolbox/'
INFO:  installJRE '--location' '/opt/toolbox/'
INFO:  setpref 'org.eclipse.buckminster.core.maxParallelResolutions=1'
org.eclipse.buckminster.core.maxParallelResolutions set to the value '1'
INFO:  setpref 'org.eclipse.buckminster.core.maxParallelMaterializations=1'
org.eclipse.buckminster.core.maxParallelMaterializations set to the value '1'
INFO:  setpref 'org.eclipse.buckminster.pde.targetPlatformPath=<'>
org.eclipse.buckminster.pde.targetPlatformPath set to the value '<'>
INFO:  import '<'>
INFO:  Resetting target platform Directory <>
INFO:  Import complete.
INFO:  importtargetdefinition 'file:/opt/hudson/repo/'
INFO:  lstargets
Using workspace at <> ...
  ECF3-2Baseline                                                              : linux,gtk,x86_64/en_US
  Target Platform                                                             : linux,gtk,x86_64/en_US
* Directory <> : linux,gtk,x86_64/en_US
  Running Platform                                                            : linux,gtk,x86_64/en_US
  ECF3-2Baseline                                                              : linux,gtk,x86_64/en_US
Command 'addbaseline' not found
Help text for buckminster:
This is the common launcher for commands.

A number of options can be set in common for all commands. Use '--' to end
parsing of options in case of ambiguity.

usage: buckminster
       [{ -? | --help }]
       [{ -L | --loglevel } <loglevel> ]
       [{ --scriptfile <filename> } | {<commandname> [<commandflags>]}] 

Try "buckminster listcommands" for a list of available commands.

  Show this help text

  Also prints the stack trace in case of an exception.

 -L <loglevel>
--loglevel <loglevel>
  Set log level to one of NONE, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, or DEBUG.

  Turn off trapping of Ctrl-C (SIGINT). This may lessen the ability to cancel
  ongoing work in a predictable manner.

 -S <filename>
--scritpfile <filename>
  Read commands from a file. The following rules apply:
  - If the file contains $property or ${property} constructs, they will
    be expanded as follows:
    - If the property is prefixed with env: the remaining part will be expanded
      as an environment variable (requires Java 5 or later).
    - All other properties are expanded using the Java system properties.
  - If java 1.5 or newer is used, the file may contain $env or ${env} entries
    to denote environment variables.
  - Backslash is interpreted as escape character so Windows filenames must be
  - Strings within single quotes are passed verbatim to the executor.
  - Strings within double quotes are scanned for environment variable
Archiving artifacts
Recording fingerprints

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