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[ecf-build] 3.3Daily2.0 build.22 Build Successful

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BUILD COMPLETE -  build.22
Date of build: 06/15/2008 16:00:09
Time to build: 7 minutes 1 second
Last changed: 06/15/2008 03:07:52
Last log entry: added simple method to return the length of inserted text, computed as (String)text.length()

 Errors/Warnings: (16)
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-------------- cc-build.xml -------------- javacFailOnError = true buildingOSGi = true eclipse.home = /opt/eclipse3.4M5/eclipse

cc-build.xml logfile = logs/ecf.core-D3320v20080615-1600.log

buildIdentifier: DAILY

buildId: 2.0.0.v20080615-1600-DAILY

buildType: D3320

mapVTag: Release_2_0

mapVersionTag: Release_2_0

cctimestamp: timestamp = 20080615160009


forceContextQualifier: forceContextQualifier = v20080615-1600

cc-build.xml: buildResult = 0

cctimestamp: timestamp = 20080615160009

 Unit Tests: (0)
No Tests Run
This project doesn't have any tests

 Modifications since last successful build:  (2)
modified isikm org.eclipse.ecf.docshare/src/org/eclipse/ecf/docshare/messages/ 06/15/2008 03:07:52 added simple method to return the length of inserted text, computed as (String)text.length()
modified isikm org.eclipse.ecf.docshare/src/org/eclipse/ecf/docshare/messages/ 06/14/2008 17:46:16 renamed setLength() to read setLengthOfReplacedText() to rule out ambiguities

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