To all DTP committers,
Now that the Indigo release is done, the DTP project is
planning to migrate our source repository from Eclipse CVS to Git. This is
in line with the overall direction of Eclipse projects. We also want to
take the opportunity to refine the source organization and clean up obsolete
plugins, as part of the migration.
Below are some high lights of the migration plan. Please
review and let us know of any concerns by end of this week. If there are
no show-stoppers, we are looking at proceeding with the migration in another
week or so. Detail time line will be determined and sent out after this
review period.
1. We are essentially migrating the DTP CVS Head
branch to Git, and it will include the history in CVS. If there is ever a
need to build DTP 1.9 or older version, it should still grab the source from
corresponding CVS branches.
New builds (DTP 1.9.1 and
on) will be built from Git. (We are not currently doing any nightly
build for 1.9.1 [the Indigo SR1 release]. It will resume when the
Git migration is completed.)
2. Separate Git repositories will be created for
DTP sub-projects. The main guideline used for the repo separation is to
group those highly-related projects that are likely maintained by the same set
of committers.
Below are the summary list of
separate DTP Git repos. See the attached spreadsheet for the proposed
directory structure and content in each repo. Note that obsolete or
archived plugin projects will not be migrated, and are thus not included in the
Git repos.
Separate Git source repos for sub-projects and enablement:
- org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.git
- org.eclipse.datatools.modelbase.git
- org.eclipse.datatools.sqltools.git
- org.eclipse.datatools.enablement.<vendor>.git
where <vendor> are: hsqldb, ibm, ingres, msft, mysql, oda,
oracle, postgresql, sap, sqlite, sybase
- org.eclipse.datatools.enablement.general.git (contains non-vendor
specific enablement plugin projects:)
- org.eclipse.datatools.incubator.git
Each of the above source repos contain the following
sub-folders, if content exists:
plugins/ : contains source plugin
releng/ : contains map file of the source plugin
tests/ : contains unit test
examples/ : exemplary
implementation projects
Additional separate Git
repos for non-source projects:
Linda and DTP PMC