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[dtp-dev] Thanks for all the DTP Usability Comments!

Hi all!

Thanks to everyone who contributed comments to the DTP usability effort! My plan is to start working tomorrow (2/13/08) on integrating as many comments as possible into the design and writing some example code for a demo at EclipseCon.

Please keep in mind that we will be continuing to invite comments and feedback even past the Ganymede release, as usability can ALWAYS be improved and new requirements are always popping up. So don't let the fact that I'm getting started on some code keep you from contributing your opinions, suggestions, and comments!

As I work through the comments, I may ask for clarification or feedback as the design is updated, so keep an eye out for possible requests. But I'm VERY encouraged by the community support for this effort!

Thanks again!

Brian Fitzpatrick
Senior Software Engineer
DTP Connectivity Team Lead
Sybase, Inc.

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