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Re: [Dltk-dev] Extensibility

No, this is still more complicated than I mean.
I don't think there should be any notion of "debug engines".
(One never speaks of debug engines for Java or C++, for example).
I think that the interpreter definition should simply include
whatever arguments the users wants to specify for that interpreter to act as
a debugger. The debugger engine would not exist as a concept in the
UI at all, or as java classes within DLTK. At most it would appear in
the argument list of an interpreter, but not be named or have any identity.
There would be no per-project settings for engines. No global
settings for engines. Just interpreters with arguments. Period.
And each project could specify its interpreter, as now.

Simplicity is often the result of exploration and hard work.
Has DLKT arrived at a sufficiently simple model?


Jae Gangemi wrote:

  oh - i get it now...

for each interpreter you have defined, you could define a set of debugging engines that are available to be used for said interpreter, instead of defining one engine to be used with every interpreter. you'd need to include engine preferences for each interpreter that supported i, and the ability to define those settings on a per project basis...

i don't see why functionality like that couldn't exist, but it would be a fair amount of work, and serious consideration would have to be given to the user experience, especially when dealing with changing debugging engine preferences since those will be accessed much more frequently then those of the interpreter.

if there are plans to revisit that portion of dltk in the future, perhaps consideration can be given...

On Sat, Sep 20, 2008 at 3:56 PM, William Cook <william@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:william@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    About Engines:
    Yes, but each person is more likely to just use one
    interpreter/engine combination,
    so you are designing for the rare case when people switch debug
    engines on the
    same interpreter. In my model, i can support this by having two
    configured to use the same interpreter executable but different
    engines. But
    again, i think this is a rare case and so supporting it should not
    be the
    focus of the design. In general, the entire debug engine thing could
    be a command line argument on the interpreter. I think that having
    good variable
    substitution in the argument list (for plugin folders, for example)
    would be much
    more useful.

    Tanks for the tip on rendering. Even when I spend 3 hours looking
    for the right
    place to make a change, i don't always find the right one. Frustrating!


    Alex Panchenko wrote:

        Hi William,

        Debugging engines concept is here since there could be different
        ways to debug the same script. For example for ruby DLTK
        supports 3 debugging engines:
        - DLTK ruby implementation based on pure ruby interpreter (slow)
        - DLTK ruby implementation based on native module ruby-debug
        - ActiveState ruby debugger
        All of these debugging engines speak DBGP and could be used with
        the same interpreter.
        So debugging engines are here not as pure engineering exercise,
        they just reflect the real life.

        If you don't need multiple engines - you can provide just one,
        if you don't need UI for it - just don't create additional
        property/preference pages.

        Regarding the command line rendering - you can try to override
        renderCommandLine in AbstractInterpreterRunner class, now it is:

        protected String[] renderCommandLine(InterpreterConfig config) {
         return config.renderCommandLine(interpreterInstall);

        The role of InterpreterConfig is just a data structure to
        collect all arguments together, that's why there are no methods
        to override it. Though if you need some new methods/extensions
        please post your ideas.
        The general mission of DLTK is to make tasks simpler. If you
        found that something is harder - please ask question or suggest
        changes/patches to the DLTK.


        ----- Original Message -----
        From: "William Cook" <william@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:william@xxxxxxxxx>>
        To: "DLTK Developer Discussions" <dltk-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
        Sent: Sunday, September 21, 2008 12:34:43 AM GMT +06:00 Almaty,
        Subject: [Dltk-dev] Extensibility

        I think that DLTK is over-engineered to require Interpeter Types
        and Debug Engines. I wish you could just specify an interpreter and
        give appropriate options and be done with it. I wonders if
        the Eclipse launch configuration dialogs could be reused to specify
        the interpreter and its attributes.

        On other example I had is the order of command rendering. Currently
        the interpreter arguments in the interpreter are put after the
        interpreter arguments from the launch configuration. Here's what
        I had to do:

        Original problem:
        * I have some trouble with the order of arguments. It seems to be
               1) Interpreter path
               2) interpreter arguments *from the launch configuration*
               3) Interpreter arguments *from the interpreter definition*
               4) script path
               5) script arguments
        It seems to me that the #2 and #3 components are backwards, and
        this causes problems with Gambit

        So I hunt around and find where this functionality is defined:
        in InterpreterConfig.renderCommandLine
        Its a nice routine that I could override. But I cannot easily
        replace the InterpeterConfig class with my own, because
        AbstractScriptLaunchConfigurationDelegate says
            new InterpreterConfig
        in the middle of a fairly large routine, createInterpreterConfig
        (its about 60 lines long with lots of good code). If the
        creation of InterpeterConfig  was through a factory, then I
        would not have had to copy this code.

        But I can replace AbstractScriptLaunchConfigurationDelegate with
        my own, so i copy createInterpreterConfig and change the line to:
            new SchemeInterpreterConfig
        Then I get an error because getScriptEnvironment is private, so
        i copy it too.

        I create class SchemeInterpreterConfig and implement
        But I find that there are several other overloaded versions of
        it, and one of them doesn't even include item #3 in the command
        line at all! I track this down, and it is called by ScriptLaunchUtil
        and then i track that down and it appears never to be used. So
        I assume it is dead code and move on. Anyway, it now seems to
        be working.

        At this point I am taking DLKT as a *library* and just implementing
        my Scheme system using it. I know people have suggested that I
        change DLKT itself. But I would rather not just hack on it,
        because it seems very close to release and it is useful to see
        how much you an do without changing it. I might later, however.


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