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[Dltk-dev] Re: Console for 'run' launch

Can anyone explain why there is only a console for
Debug launches? It seems that there cannot be a
console on Run launches, even though there is a preference
for it in the standard Eclipse launch dialog.
 I have a Scheme plugin working to
some degree, but I can't use Run launches because
Scheme requires a terminal for IO.

No a big issue, but I've also noticed
that there is a lot of redundant code between
the different language implementations, i think because
the interface to DLTK is fairly wide. There are
also things I've wanted to change but given up on
because they are not easily extended
(like the "new interpreter" dialog and I don't think
that the "debug engines" is very well thought out,
at least for Scheme). I suppose we are supposed
to work with the DLTK plugins that come with Eclipse
now, not modify them.


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