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Re: [Dltk-dev] introduce IDKLTKDebugUILanguageToolkit?

  the extension point has been added. you can find an example in the org.eclipse.dltk.debug.ui.tests plugin (this is new).

  the detail formatter preferences implementation will follow shortly - you will need to set up an IDLTKDebugUILanguageToolkit implementation if you wish to offer that and future functionality provided by the debug.ui plugin.

On Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 7:52 AM, Jae Gangemi <jgangemi@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

  ok - i'll get to work on that tonight and will send a note to the list when it's committed so others know they need to add the extension point.

On Sun, Jul 20, 2008 at 10:33 PM, Andrei Sobolev <andrei.sobolev@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Jae,

I'm agree, introduce of IDKLTKDebugUILanguageToolkit is a good idea.

hello all -

 i'm just about done with adding support for detail formatter preferences but have run into an issue regarding storing their preferences.

 the detail formatters preference page implementation is based upon the ScriptStepFilterPreferencePage which stores preferences in the preference store returned from a call to IDLTKUILanguageToolkit.getPreferenceStore(). the idea behind this is good b/c it means the plugin implementor doesn't need to do anything other then create the appropriate entry in the plugin.xml, however there is an issue with how the defaults for the preferences are initialized.

 it seems that in order for me to properly initialize these values under this implementation, i need to handle setting the defaults in the preference initializer that is part of the ui plugin, which in turn means that the ui plugin needs to depend on org.eclipse.dltk.debug.ui in order to get access to the preference constants. i tried creating an initializer implementation in my debug.ui plugin, but it seems that the initializer is tied to the preference store for that plugin and i don't see any way to associate a preference initializer defined in the debug.ui plugin with the preference store from the ui plugin. these are the potential solutions i came up with:

- have the ui plugin depend on the org.eclipse.dltk.debug.ui and handle the debug.ui preference initialization there. this is the easiest approach, however all of the dltk plugin implementations do limit their dependency needs, so this may not be favorable from that stand point.

- introduce an IDKLTKDebugUILanguageToolkit interface that would work in the same manner as the IDKLTKUILanguageToolkit.

- if there is a way to associate a preference initializer with a specific preference store, this approach could be taken.

 i think the creating an IDKLTKDebugUILanguageToolkit interface would be the best approach as it would offer the same flexibility that the other 'toolkit' interfaces provide. thoughts?


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