On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 2:19 PM, Alex Panchenko <
alex@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:
alex@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
I like the idea to display some of the array elements, but the
basic implementation should have some options how to display values.
e.g. now in ruby array is displayed as
[...][3]{1,2,3} (id = 23638800)
Strange, isn't it?
So my intention is that basic implementation should be generally
usable and language specifics should be added via inheritance or
parameters passed in the constructor.
Jae Gangemi wrote:
that 'number[8]' is supposed to work like the java debugger
where if you have an aray you see something like char[5] which
tells you that it's a character array and it has a size of 5.
so in this case, you have an array of numbers w/ a size of 8.
looking at the type of the first element for a script array
may not make sense b/c they can be heterogenous.
i'd like the behavior to remain consistent w/ how the java
debugger works (if possible), where the details pane shows the
'expanded' values, while the collapsed array (and/or hash)
continues to show at 'somthing[size]'. i was going to work on
a way to override what gets displayed in the details pane if
you don't have a detail formatter setup next or the debugger
engine doesn't support evaluations.
the implemenation below would end up in a method like
'formatDetailView' or something along those lines.
On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 6:10 AM, Johan Compagner
jcompagner@xxxxxxxxx <mailto: