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Re: [dali-dev] Listeners in Dali Helios


JpaProject does not directly hold a collection of entities. Entities can be added or removed from a number
of different places within a JpaProject:
- They can be listed in the persistence.xml file.
- They can be discovered automatically by Dali, when they are annotated.
- They can be contained in jar files listed
in the persistence.xml file.
- They can be listed in mapping files listed in the persistence.xml file.
- They can be listed in the implied mapping file (META-INF/orm.xml) even if it is not
    listed in the persistence.xml file

To reach these objects and listen to them appropriately, you can use the
following methods:

To get a PersistenceUnit use these methods:
JpaProject.getRootContextNode() - this will always be present
RootContextNode.getPersistenceXml() - this may null
PersistenceXml.getPersistence() - this may null
Persistence.persistenceUnit() - this will either be empty or contain a single persistence unit
    (as Dali only supports a single persistence unit)

Once you have a PersistenceUnit, there a number of different objects you need
to monitor for entities:

- the types listed in the persistence.xml file:
    PersistenceUnit.specifiedClassRefs() - this may be empty
    ClassRef.getJavaPersistentType() - this may be null
PersistentType.getMappingKey() - this will indicate whether the persistent type is an entity

- the types discovered automatically:
    PersistenceUnit.impliedClassRefs() - this may be empty
    [see above]

- the types in jar files
listed in the persistence.xml file:
    PersistenceUnit.jarFileRefs() - this may be empty
    JarFileRef.getJarFile() - this maybe null
    JarFile.javaPersistentTypes() - this may be empty
    PersistentType.getMappingKey() - this will indicate whether the persistent type is an entity

- the types in mapping files listed in the persistence.xml file:

    PersistenceUnit.specifiedMappingFileRefs() - this may be empty
    MappingFileRef.getMappingFile() - this may be null, and you will need to check whether it is an
        instance of OrmXml then cast it
    OrmXml.getRoot() - this may be null
    EntityMappings.getPersistentTypes() - this may be empty
    PersistentType.getMappingKey() - this will indicate whether the persistent type is an entity

- the types in the default mapping file:
    PersistenceUnit.getImpliedMappingFileRef() - this may be empty
    [see above]

So, you will need to listen to a number of objects' changes. For example, to listen
for an entity being added or removed via the list of classes in the persistence.xml file:
JpaProject added/removed:
    [You can get the JpaProjectManager via the static method JptCorePlugin.get
PersistenceXml added/removed:
Persistence added/removed:
PersistenceXml.addPropertyChangeListener(PersistenceXml.PERSISTENCE_PROPERTY, ...)
PersistenceUnit added/removed:
    Persistence.addListChangeListener(Persistence.PERSISTENCE_UNITS_LIST, ...)
ClassRef added/removed:
PersistentType added/removed:
TypeMapping change:
PersistentType.addPropertyChangeListener(PersistentType.MAPPING_PROPERTY, ...)

Obviously, it is pretty complicated to listen for the adding/removing of entities.
I'm not sure I've been exhaustive here, but it should get you started.
You might want to use some of our adapters to reduce any bugs and/or listener leaks
(e.g. PropertyAspectAdapter).


On 06/23/10 10:51, Dimov, Stefan wrote:
I have problems with listeners in Helios Dali. I don’t know what kind of listener to add to org.eclipse.jpt.core.JpaProject in order to detect adding and/or removing entities from this project.
I’ve tried CollectionChangeListener and ListChangeListener, but seems that they both don’t work.
Can anyone give me a hint?

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