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Re: [cu-dev] glassfish-7 nightly bundle with concurrency TCK 3.0

Hello Guru,

It looks like the issue with the glassfish build is that Arquillian was unable to deploy the applications to the server.
Here is an example of the error errors:
org.jboss.arquillian.container.spi.client.container.DeploymentException: Could not deploy test-c70c0de9-addc-483d-a9d8-603df8b5c5b4.war
Caused by: org.jboss.arquillian.container.glassfish.clientutils.GlassFishClientException: Connection refused (Connection refused)
Caused by: Connection refused (Connection refused)
Caused by: Connection refused (Connection refused)

This likely means the server wasn't started or wasn't configured to allow Arquillian to deploy applications. 
I see that for the Concurrency TCK you are using the Glassfish Managed container for Arquillian, whereas for the JBatch TCK you are using the Glassfish Remote container for Arquillian.
It looks like Arquillian was able to deploy one application for (39f8e721-08d9-4880-bb3f-52f8cfbc9ecd) for the test package ee.jakarta.tck.concurrent.api.ManagedExecutors
After that test, no other deployments succeeded.
Perhaps the managed container for Glassfish does not support multiple deployments?
I'm not quite sure of the specifics about how Glassfish containers work, but perhaps it would be worthwhile to try switching from Managed to Remote?

Hope that helps,
Kyle Jon Aure

On Fri, Jun 3, 2022 at 9:22 AM Gurunandan Rao <gurunandan.rao@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Please Note: The failures are blocker for Platform TCK 10.0 ballot, as per discussion at TCK call.


From: Gurunandan Rao
Sent: 02 June 2022 11:20
To: cu developer discussions <cu-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: glassfish-7 nightly bundle with concurrency TCK 3.0
For glassfish-7 nightly bundle run with concurrency TCK 3.0, we have TCK test results with 31 failures, 446 skipped.

We have followed instructions with concurrency TCK user guide for creation of glassfish-7 runners and source for glassfish-7 concurrency runners is available at .

Please let us know, if there is need of configuration change at Aquilian or runner for passing of GF 7 with concurrency TCK.

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