Thanks Nathan I missed that.
From: cu-dev <cu-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx>
On Behalf Of Nathan Rauh
Sent: 03 March 2022 14:19
To: cu developer discussions <cu-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [cu-dev] Javadoc implies a deployment descriptor
It’s already in the platform schema,
I added it last year at the same time we added ManagedExecutorDefinition and the other annotations.
Our project TCK doesn’t currently test this because the function is part of the platform schema not the Concurrency spec, and I had been thinking that any testing which gets done for it would
need to be in the platform tests. However, over the past half year or so there seems to be a greater acceptance within the community of moving platform level testing to the individual spec project TCKs (and then deleting the platform tests), so we could potentially
do that.
The Javadoc for ManagedExecutorDefinition states a deployment descriptor can be used to create a ManagedExecutor see
concurrency-api/ at master · eclipse-ee4j/concurrency-api · GitHub same for ScheduledExecutorDefinition etc. do we want to remove this from the Javadoc or do we want to try and get this into some platform schema somewhere?
I assume the TCK isn’t testing this?
Steve Millidge