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Re: [cu-dev] Do you plan to move your TCK tests out of the Platform TCK project for Jakarta EE 10+?

A developer from my company, Kyle Aure, has volunteered to work on getting our TCK tests ported over from the platform to the spec project (as was the topic of the forwarded email chain).
This should make it much easier for us to write and run additional TCK tests for our new EE 10 features that will be going in.  Thanks Kyle and welcome to the Jakarta Concurrency project!

From:        "Steve Millidge (Payara)" <steve.millidge@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To:        "cu developer discussions" <cu-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:        07/02/2021 02:45 AM
Subject:        [EXTERNAL] Re: [cu-dev] Do you plan to move your TCK tests out of the Platform TCK project for Jakarta EE 10+?
Sent by:        "cu-dev" <cu-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx>

I'm in favour also but again don't know where to start or how much effort is involved.

From: cu-dev <cu-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> on behalf of Nathan Rauh <nathan.rauh@xxxxxxxxxx>
01 July 2021 8:05 PM
cu developer discussions <cu-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: [cu-dev] Do you plan to move your TCK tests out of the Platform TCK project for Jakarta EE 10+?

I'm unsure how much effort it will require, but ignoring that aspect, I'm in favor of this because it will ultimately give us the option of delivering specification updates and the corresponding TCK updates to test them together under a single pull.  And it seems like the natural place for the tests to be maintained.  MicroProfile is arranged this way and it works very nicely there.

Scott Marlow <smarlow@xxxxxxxxxx>
cu developer discussions <cu-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
06/22/2021 02:33 PM
[EXTERNAL] [cu-dev] Do you plan to move your TCK tests out of the Platform TCK project for Jakarta EE 10+?
Sent by:        
"cu-dev" <cu-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx>

[1][2] is a proposal for how to produce Standalone TCKs by extracting TCK tests from the Platform TCK.  The process for extracting Standalone TCK tests is described via the GUIDELINE FOR EXTRACTING TCK section [3].

Do you plan to move your TCK tests out of the Platform TCK project and into your Specification project?  If yes, you will publish your Standalone TCK artifacts to Maven so that the Platform TCK can consume your tests.  Some Standalone Specification TCKs will also be consumed by the Core Profile TCK (and possibly other EE profiles).

From the [1] feedback received so far, both TestNG + Junit5 are popular test frameworks.  Maven is the likely choice to switch to using in the EE Platform TCKs.

The Platform TCK community needs to take a deep look at the Platform TCK internals and consider what the Jakarta EE 10+ Platform TCK architecture will look like.  But I think first, we should do some incremental hacking to bring in some Maven based testing as suggested by jakartaee-tck/issues/51 [4].


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