I don’t think additional Jakarta EE profiles adds a lot for developers. Although it makes it easier for a product creator to gain Jakarta EE compatibility on a subset of specifications. Just looking at our download stats Full profile is download 20x more than
Web Profile. Also we get more demands to add additional apis to Payara Micro which is Web Profile+ than anything else.
Given we have MicroProfile I don’t see the need to have an equivalent profile in Jakarta EE. Can’t MicroProfile just create a platform TCK that takes a subset of the Jakarta EE TCK for the specs that form that profile.
I'm not sure if too "many" profiles are going to be confusing. It's how we make them available. But having vendors implement a profile and add a few other specifications, effectively creating their own vendor-specific profiles might not be the desired way to
go either.
On agreeing whether or not to evolve Jakarta EE specifications "too much": I don't think we have any choice but to evolve them in order to keep them valuable for developers. If they aren't, we run the risk that vendors are going to create their own versions
of these specifications because their end-users aren't going to use the original specifications, effectively rendering them obsolete. If that happens, the whole reason that we have standards in specification falls apart and loses its value.