Hi everyone,
I am trying to export my indexer PDOM file and to reimport it to a different project. I have used the extension point : org.eclipse.cdt.core.CIndex and provided an ExportProjectProvider and a ReadOnlyPDOMProvider My issue is that now, The export of the project takes : 213 sec The normal indexing without cached pdom file takes 208 sec When loading the PDOM file I constructed it takes : 412 sec
You will find below the IIndexLocationConverter code.
Do you think it is due to my IIndexLocationConverter that needs optimizing ? Or am I using the wrong mechanism to cache my index ?
Thanks for your help, Mathieu
@SuppressWarnings("restriction") public class MyResourceContainerRelativeLocationConverter implements IIndexLocationConverter{ ... public IIndexFileLocation fromInternalFormat(String raw) { IIndexFileLocation result; if (raw.charAt(0) == product) { String fullPath = raw.substring(1); URI fileUri = URIUtil.toURI(fullPath); IContainer[] containers = root.findContainersForLocationURI(fileUri); if (containers.length < 1) { //result = new IndexFileLocation(fileUri, null); result = null; } else { result = new IndexFileLocation(fileUri, containers[0].getFullPath().toString()); } } else { return null; //result = new IndexFileLocation(URIUtil.toURI(raw), null);
} //System.out.println("MyResourceContainerRelativeLocationConverter fromInternalFormat Convert RAW ["+ raw+ "] to URI [" + result.getURI() +"] fullPath [" + result.getFullPath() + "]"); return result; }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * @see org.eclipse.cdt.core.index.IIndexLocationConverter#toInternalFormat(org.eclipse.cdt.core.index.IIndexFileLocation) */ public String toInternalFormat(IIndexFileLocation location) { if (location.getFullPath() == null) { //System.out.println("MyResourceContainerRelativeLocationConverter toInternalFormat Convert URI [" + location.getURI() +"] fullPath [" + location.getFullPath() + "] to [" + null + "]"); //return absolutePath; return null; } else { String absolutePath = URIUtil.toPath(location.getURI()).toString();
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); result.append(product).append(absolutePath); //System.out.println("MyResourceContainerRelativeLocationConverter toInternalFormat Convert URI [" + location.getURI() +"] fullPath [" + location.getFullPath() + "] to [" + result.toString() + "]"); return result.toString(); } }