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[cdt-dev] Addition of a new DSF service

Hello all,


I’m struggling to add a new DSF service that returns symbol information from GDB. I’ve added new CLI commands to get and parse the symbol information and I’ve added a symbol service which extends AbstractDsfService. That contains a getSymbol function which queues up the CLICommand.


I’ve also added an extra pane to the traditional memory view to display the symbols and added a cache for them and a separate populateSymbolCache that can be called when the memory view is displayed. I’m unsure how I should connect from populateSymbolCache to the getSymbol function.


The memory parts of the view do that using IMemoryBlockExtension but there isn’t a suitable interface for symbols in the model. Should I be adding a new interface? If so where should it go as I don’t think that I should add it to org.eclipse.debug.core.model? Should I perhaps subclass GDBMemory_7_0 so that it can request symbols as well as memory and if I do how do I avoid the problem of having to create an interface identify the data.


Thanks in advance






Phil Mason

Broadcom Europe



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