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Re: [cdt-dev] Allow new C/C++ project wizard extension

Oh, and just to clear up your second point, 6.0.x is in API freeze. 6.1 will be API slush. :)

On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 4:24 PM, Doug Schaefer <cdtdoug@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
With this change, what happens to 3rd party classes that extend CDTCommonProjectWizard given that you've changed it's interface inheritance hierarchy? I'm not a Java bytecode expert so I don't know. But I have to ask the question.

Again, the requirement is not to break anyone. If you don't I don't consider this an API change.


On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 3:16 PM, Greg Watson <g.watson@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On Oct 22, 2009, at 3:04 PM, Doug Schaefer wrote:

On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 2:03 PM, Mike Kucera <mkucera@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

In PTP we have created a "Remote C/C++ Project" which allows you to create a CDT project where the files are stored in a remote location and accessed via EFS. We have also created our own version of the CDT new project wizard which has been redesigned to work better for creating remote projects. But in order to get this to work we need to be able to swap out the default CDT wizard with our own. This requires a small API change. Greg has uploaded a patch to bug 293079 (

Does this mean if you have PTP installed your new C++ project wizard will be different?

Now, the issue is that PTP is based on CDT 6, so does anyone have an objection if I apply the patch to the 6.0 branch?

Yes, CDT 6 is API frozen. I've already squashed a number of requests from Wind Riverites to change APIs. We need to follow API guidelines to make sure adopters using those APIs can install a new CDT 6.0.x without having to recompile their plug-ins.

This change wouldn't require any recompilation of third party plugins. Why couldn't this be an experimental/internal API that we use at our own risk, at least until 7.0? The current new project wizard design makes it impossible to extend the wizard, so this would ultimately be beneficial IMHO.


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