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RE: [cdt-dev] difficulty creating a patch (!)

I have also seen this behaviour yesterday while creating a patch. I updated the modified file separately and the issue is disappeared.


From: cdt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:cdt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Andrew Ferguson
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2006 10:49 AM
To: cdt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [cdt-dev] difficulty creating a patch (!)




 I'm having a lot of trouble creating a patch for some changes I'd like to contribute and am wondering if other people have seen this or can reproduce it.


The summary is that Team -> Create patch is behaving as though the entire file has changed, and have tested a number of things myself and was hoping other people could say if they have seen this, or can see it. (Gory details at end of email)


Some files from within the same plug-in behave differently when creating patches of single line changes. This seems to correlate with the CVS Base time stamp - i.e. trying to create a patch against recently modified files fails, while creating patches against older files (e.g. from Nov 2005) succeeds.


Has any CVS repository reconfiguration occurred recently that could possibly explain this?





I'm using Eclipse 3.1 release, and have checked out projects from as anonymous. I'm running under Windows XP SP2.


If I create a one line change, and Compare or Synchronize then I get a diff showing the single change as expected. However, creating a patch creates a file consisting of the repository file and the local file (prefixed by minus and plus symbols respectively).


I've checked the following so far

    * line endings (by saving the local file with each type of line ending, including MacOS)

        * Compare shows that the repository is using Windows line endings (other line endings show entire file differences)

    * other whitespace changes (i.e. indentation).    

    * whether the local file is marked as binary (its ASCII -kkv)

    * the version of eclipse (this seems to happen under 3.1 and 3.2)

    * playing with the patch creation options. They produce different formats but all think the entire file has changed.

    * file encoding is on default (Cp1252)

    * the eclipse bug database doesn't mention anything obviously related

    * changing Window -> Preferences -> General -> Compare/Patch -> Ignore whitespace to be on or off


The first few lines of the erroneous patch are included at the end of the mail. I've noticed there are two paths in under that CDT is available from but these seem to be aliases.


To me, this suggests that maybe something in the cvs repository is causing this, but I can't see how?


I've tried going back to square one with a fresh eclipse installation etc.. and am not having any joy. (The same setup worked previously). Other people within ARM can reproduce this, so I'm wondering can anyone else on this list reproduce it?


Strangely, I see this behave correctly for some files. For example,


will generate correct single line patch files. While


will generate an entire-file-changed patch.


Files that generate correct patches have Properties -> CVS -> Base time stamp occuring earlier than February 2006

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