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[cdt-dev] Vote for Dave Daoust for committer

Hey, while I’m on a roll building our little empire J.


So Dave Daoust from IBM asked me to apply a patch today and I told him to do it himself at which point I’ve discovered he was left off the list when we restructured the committer groups. Mind you in the past he’s only been a doc committer. But he has put together some pretty good patches for the core especially in the area of parser performance and he’d like to continue doing so to help us (and IBM) out.


So I hereby call a vote for Dave Daoust as CDT committer. I’ve worked with Dave for a long time (a very long time, maybe too long ;-)) and he’s always done high quality work. He is committed to the success of the CDT and wants to do what he can to ensure it continues.


As a note, I’ve re-read the charter and it says we need to keep the vote open for at least a week. So I’ll give this one to mid-day Feb 2 EST.


Doug Schaefer, QNX Software Systems

Eclipse CDT Project Lead,


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