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Re: [cdt-dev] Post 2.0 milestones

Has anyone looked into drop-in replacements for the java collections? There are some good, high-performance, low-footprint alternatives out there.

Here is a useful list:


Douglas Schaefer wrote:

Without know when 2.0.1 or 2.1 are, it's hard to answer you question :P

As many of you have noticed, the performance of the parser is not where we want it. The good news is that we're finally getting to the point where the parser is pretty complete and features like content assist and open declaration are working great (when you extend the timeout, that is).

We have a couple of strategies for addressing this in the short term and they are aimed at speeding up the data structures we are using during the parse. First is a rewrite of the scanner to use char[]'s and eliminate the use of strings in the tokens (see Scanner2). Second is a replacement of the HashMaps and related structures used by the symbol table to greatly reduce the number of objects and to speed up creation and lookup times. We have longer term strategies in our bag as well and are always open to help and suggestions.

To follow our progress on this issue, we have a bug open We have a pretty aggressive target but comparing to the parse times of gcc, they should be achievable. However, these changes will be destabilizing so the sooner we can get them in, the sooner we can recover. But one thing is for certain, we are close to greatness with these features (IMHO :-).

Doug Schaefer, IBM's Eclipse CDT Architect
Ottawa (Palladium), Ontario, Canada

David Daoust/Ottawa/IBM@IBMCA Sent by: cdt-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx
06/21/2004 02:14 PM
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Re: [cdt-dev] Post 2.0 milestones

This is just what I have been looking for :-) In general the development team at IBM is planning to push on improving parser performance and memory use in 2.0.1 -- I have moved a couple of defects to 2.0.1 based on this. We are currently still poking away at performance/memory for 2.0, but we do not want to make any major (destabilizing) changes until after 2.0 GA.

Do people think that this is reasonable (should we be targeting 2.1 instead)? - Dave

Kleanthis Hapitas/Ottawa/IBM@IBMCA Sent by: cdt-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx 06/21/2004 01:59 PM
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cdt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx cc

[cdt-dev] Post 2.0 milestones

Hi all, I have requested that additional milestones get added to the CDT in bugzilla, and they have just been created. There is now a 2.0.1 and a 2.1 target milestone to choose from. I know we haven't had any concrete discussions yet as to when the 2.0.1 or 2.1 delivery dates will be, but with these milestones we can start to distinguish between bugs to be fixed sometime in the near future and those that will be fixed whenever... My intention is to provide a target milestone (2.0.1) for defects that we want to fix on the 2.0 stream after it goes GA at the end of the month, and another (2.1) for the next release that comes out of the Head stream after 2.0 reaches GA. Questions, comments, concerns, let me know... Kleo
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