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RE: [cdt-dev] Managed Make build system and Error Parsers

Depending on how efficient the test to see whether an error parser works for a given project is, this might be OK too. I guess it comes down to what semantic meaning we want to ascribe to specifying error parsers in the manifest. If it is additive, then as you say, maybe those parsers move to the front of the list and there is no real penalty. The downside is that there is no way to remove the defaults, and the implementer may need to if the output of their tool somehow fools that default into thinking it can do the job. Like I said, as long as we cover off the basic implementer who just wants to add tools and not error parsers, then I am OK with specifying all the parsers you need.

Sean Evoy
Rational Software - IBM Software Group
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

"Treggiari, Leo" <leo.treggiari@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: cdt-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx

03/25/2004 09:37 AM

Please respond to

RE: [cdt-dev] Managed Make build system and Error Parsers

Please be patient while I respond to myself…
I guess another way to treat the list of error parsers provided by the toolchain would be to treat them as the “priority” list.  What I mean by this is that when a Managed Make project is created, the ordered list specified by the toolchain would be put at front of the list of error parsers for the new project.  Then any installed, but not specified by the toochain, error parsers would be added to the end of the list.  This would make it possible for users to add an error parser for all Managed Make projects - simply by installing it.  The down-side is that all error parsers get invoked by default for all Managed Make projects, but this is the current behavior and maybe it’s OK.
-----Original Message-----
cdt-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:cdt-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Treggiari, Leo
Thursday, March 25, 2004 9:19 AM
RE: [cdt-dev] Managed Make build system and Error Parsers

Hi Sean,
I agree with everything you’ve said, except for one thing (maybe…).  My proposal is for the toolchain to specify the full, default list of error parsers for a new Managed Make project, not to add new error parsers to the list of “installed” error parsers.  If the toolchain does not specify the list of error parsers and for existing Managed Make projects, the default list will be used (i.e. the current behavior).  Are you suggesting something different?
-----Original Message-----
cdt-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:cdt-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Sean Evoy
Thursday, March 25, 2004 8:20 AM
RE: [cdt-dev] Managed Make build system and Error Parsers



By all means, let's make this part of a toolchain specification. From the short amount of time I spent in the error parser code area, my impression was that the default behaviour of the core is a best-effort attempt to find the error parser from a list of known parsers. That's why the managed build still has its output parsed even though there is no formal UI support.

Basically, under your proposal the manifest would supply zero or more error parsers to that list through the managed build system. We would need to expose this list to the user through the UI, implying a new property page (or a tab on the managed build property page, or some error parser browse button, or...), a preference page, and a new tab on the new project wizard. Compatibility will not be an issue (from what I can see) since the system just adds error parsers. I would think that at some point, there may be a request for some way to override or remove known parsers, but that can be deferred. The default in the absence of any new definitions is to use the default list, only now the user will be able to reorder or remove some if that is what they want.

Sean Evoy
Rational Software - IBM Software Group
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

"Lott, Jeremiah" <jeremiah.lott@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: cdt-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx

03/24/2004 06:03 PM

Please respond to

RE: [cdt-dev] Managed Make build system and Error Parsers



This looks good to me.  My only question is about backward-compatability.  What will the behavior be for projects that are already created, but don't have an error parser set?  Also what is the behavior for targets in the extension that don't have any error parsers associated with them?


 Jeremiah Lott

 TimeSys Corporation

-----Original Message-----
Treggiari, Leo [mailto:leo.treggiari@xxxxxxxxx]
Wednesday, March 24, 2004 6:04 PM
[cdt-dev] Managed Make build system and Error Parsers

I was surprised to learn recently that the CDT Error Parser
functionality is not used in the same manner by the Standard
Make and Managed Make build systems.  From what I can tell:


o  Standard Make:

 -  Allows the user to set the default for error parsers to be

    used and in what order in the Window -> Preferences -> C/C++

    -> New Make Projects -> Error Parsers tab.

 -  When a new Standard Make project is created, allows the user

    to modify the default settings for the new project using the

    same UI.

 -  Allows the user to change the settings for the project in the

    project Properties using the same UI.

 -  During a build, uses the project settings to determine which

    error parsers to invoke and in what order.


o  Managed Make:

 -  Doesn't do any of the above.

 -  During a build, uses all error parsers and I don't think there

    is any way to control the order.


I sent mail to Sean a couple of days ago asking if he was in favor

of me investigating adding the error parser functionality to the
Managed Make build system, and he said OK.  Having investigated

further, I've decided that the Managed Make support should be
implemented somewhat differently.


The per-project support should be the same - that is, it can be set
during project creation and changed by editing the project properties.

The difference would be in the project default.  It

seems to me to be more appropriate for each "target" (or "tool
chain") being defined for the Managed Make build system to specify

the default list and order of the error parsers needed by the
"tool chain".  This could be specified by each "tool chain" in the

plugin.xml file where the information for the "tool chain" is

provided (for example, the "binary parser" and the command line




Leo Treggiari

Intel Corp.


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