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Re: [cdt-dev] CDT Path Variables

> Is anyone currently working on adding path variable support to CDT.
> Basically similar to JDT's classpath variable stuff, except it would
> work for include and library paths.

You probably want to take a look at the specs, see


> I saw in bugzilla 43061 (assigned
> to John Camelon) and 44279 (assigned to Sean Evoy).  They say Milestone
> "2.0".  Is that still the plan?  If so any idea on what Milestone?  M8?
> M9?

In term of milestone, we can not match the Eclipse milestones, since
we are in perpetual "catch up" mode.  For example the debugger is in chaos,
because every eclipse milestone the UI/Core changes.

> Sorry to start two conversations at once,

For CDT_VARIABLE, it can not be quite the same as the JDT.  For example,
the JDT VARIABLE only works LIBRARY types and it is not what you expect:

> but I didn't want to duplicate effort with anyone...

It would be nice, to look at the new stuff included in Eclipse-3.0,


that deals with variable substitution.  The CDT could provide its VariableManager
to deal with some substitution:

that could be a good addition for CDT-2.0.

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