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Re: [cdt-dev] IProgressMonitor - cancelling operations

> Hey everybody,
> I'd like to stimulate some discussion as to the best approach to deal 
> with a user canceling a long-running operation in CDT 2.0.  In 
> particular I was recently stung by an uncaught OperationCanceledException:
> As a policy for CDT 2.0 and beyond, I propose that UI code should throw 
> InterruptedException rather than OperationCanceledException in response 
> to a user canceling a progress dialog.
> To quote from _Contributing to Eclipse_ (Gamma & Beck, p.188):

Ho !! some heavy artillery.
Not much room to argue, if you are quoting the heavy weigths 8-)

So ...

+ 1

> .   To find out whether a user has requested a cancellation, the
> . operation should call [IProgressMonitor] isCanceled() frequently.  If
> . the user requests a cancellation, the operation should be terminated
> . by throwing an exception.  The exception can be either an
> . InterruptedException or an OperationCanceledException.  We prefer
> . InterruptedException because wherever possible you want to reuse
> . existing types rather than introduce your own.
> . (OperationCanceledException is still supported for backwards
> . compatibility).  This is a snippet you will find in many Eclipse
> . operations:

au revoir, alain
Aussi haut que l'on soit assis, on est toujours assis que sur son cul !!!

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