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Re: [cdt-dev] Adding another builder to MakeTarget

> > > > Probably the right way is to get buildSpecs(ICommand[])
> > > > and call the build in the right order.
> > > 
> > > --->    Unfortunately it is a little more complicated. It requires 
> some 
> > > changes
> > >       to MakeTargetDialog and MakeTargetBuilder extension point if
> > we want  to
> > >       make it right.
> > 
> > Change in the extension point?  It's not clear to me why.  The 
> > problem, you pointed
> > was that calling this action only call one builder, the standard make 
> builder.
> > Your point is that all the builders on the project should have a 
> > chance to run.
>     Looking at the code, MakeTarget configures MakeBuilderInfo
>     with the parameters from the MakeTargetDialog and invokes
>     make builder.
>     It would be nice if we could contribute a builder to an
>     already defined MakeTarget or all of them, configure it in a tab
>     of the MakeTargetDialog and then get the builder invoked after
>     or before the make builder.
>     So the problem is not so much of invoking all registered
>     builders, but of configuring them with the appropriate
>     BuilderInfo from the dialog. That's why I was suggesting
>     that the extension point that defines which builders get
>     invoked should account for their configuration as well.
>     If we go this way, it will cause significant refactoring
>     of the MakeTarget and vicinity. I was wondering if there
>     is a better way.

What your proposing now is beyond the scope of the make.core/ui plugins.
Those objects MakeTarget, MakeBuildInfo etc .. are "make" specific.

We did not want to go that route at first, until we clean up the
std make plugins and gain good understandings.
Some ideas like the one you propose and clients/users requirements
were on line for the next iteration.  Whether it will take shape
for CDT-2.0 .... maybe ... the ideas been bounce around numerous times.

To get back to the problem where the make plugin does not call other builders
You can make a PR for it so we investigate further, its your call.

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