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RE: [cdt-dev] CppUnit integration

I think its a moot point, since the documentation for the tool seems to 
indicate that it doesn't output any XML on bad output.  

My idea on how to use this is to use XML data binding to try and map the
of this tool to our representation in the DOM, thus adding some data-driven 
capabilities and expanding our test coverage.  It wouldn't end up being part

of the product, just a tool for our test suite.  

The copyright info indicates that its licensed similarly to BSD.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matthews, Sky [mailto:smatthew@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Friday, February 28, 2003 9:51 AM
> To: 'cdt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx'
> Subject: RE: [cdt-dev] CppUnit integration
> Isn't licensing going to be an issue when reusing something 
> based on gcc? 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Camelon, John [mailto:jcamelon@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Friday, February 28, 2003 9:29 AM
> To: 'cdt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx'
> Subject: RE: [cdt-dev] CppUnit integration
> Mike Capp wrote: 
> > P.S. offtopic, but to those of you working on the parser - 
> > have you looked 
> > at It's a patch to GCC's C++ frontend to 
> > output the parse 
> > tree as XML, and seems to be the best-kept secret in C++ tool 
> > development 
> > at the moment.
> I could see this being useful as a tool to help us get 
> some wider test coverage for the DOM.  My caveats for using
> this as the main parser itself include: 
> - performance 
> - configuration options - whether or not we are able to skip 
> 	inclusions and do a best effort quick-parse
> - the error handling strategy, as quite often we are going to 
> 	be parsing working copies while the user is typing for
> 	the outline view and code assist.  
> That being said, I will try it out and give it a fair and impartial
> trial.  :-)
> John
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