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Re: [cbi-dev] Eclipse Keyple - Jenkins

Hi all,
I went for the kubernetes option, I’ll let you know :-)

On Friday, February 8, 2019, Denis Roy <denis.roy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Olivier,

I hoping someone on this list can provide insight.

Thanks for your patience,


On 2019-02-05 6:30 a.m., Olivier Delcroix wrote:
Dear CBI Eclipse community,

I'm requesting your expertise on how to build our CI for the Eclipse Keyple projects. We are migrating our current github Repo to the Eclipse Keyple github (youhou!!) and also migrating our CI from CircleCi to Jenkins as pointing out by Mickaël previously. 

Our needs are rather standard :
- execute unit tests to allow merging branches to the default master branch
- send "release" artifacts to Maven Central
- build a unified javadoc (we have .sh scripts to do that)

Our current repository configuration mixes Android and Java project in a single repo: 
- Some projects build jars (keyple-core, keyple-calypso), others build aars like our Android NFC Plugin. Those artifacts shall be sent to Maven Central and accessible via the github "release" panel.
- On the other side, we also build Android APKs which are examples of a simple keyple Android App. Those APKs shall not be sent to Maven Central but accesible via the "release" github panel.

Our build requirements are  : 
- JDK 8 (open jdk)
- Gradle (any version)
- Maven (any version)
- Android SDK 26

I'm requesting your expertise on the 2 options I am considering   : 
1/ - Would it be easier to use a docker image (as we do now with circleCi) to build the artifacts. In this case, are there no problem to send built artifacts to maven central? From what I read in the following link(, it should be possible, right? 

2/ - Or should we ask for Android plugins in our Jenkins instance and build our artifacts directly from the Jenkins environment.
Not sure it is possible as Android is not part of the list here :

Thanks in advance for your inputs,
Have a wonderful day,

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