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Re: [cbi-dev] bundle runtime/build execution environment

I use egrep to parse using the following command:

egrep '(baseline and reactor have same version but different contents|class: different)' dump.log > class-different.log

This gets me a list of modules with different contents. I then usually ignore most of them except ones that have lines below it that state there are classes different. I've attached the parsed log which shows a few classes being different.


On 08/08/2012 08:46 AM, Igor Fedorenko wrote:
According to the log there is just one class difference in
HookedJavaFileObject$ForwardingWriter, which I mentioned in an earlier
email. I also spot-checked couple of classes using javap and they are
identical to Juno.

How do you compare classes? Can you give me some examples of differences
that you see?


Description: Zip archive

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