This email requests that the following chart bugs be fixed
in 2.0:
122191 [Regression]Error occurs when change series type in
line chart.
This is a regression on a very common operation inside the
chart builder. It must be fixed.
121980 Errors in chart wizard when using scripted data
With the new live preview feature of the chart builder, it
could happen that some datasource/dataset problems cause some errors or
unexpected behavior (like in this bug). We are always using cached data and
revert automatically to sample data (non-live) in case of error, but it might
not cover all possible cases, so it’s better to give control to the user
to enable/disable the live preview inside the chart builder. The fix would be
to add a checkbox in the wizard to enable/disable live preview manually, by
default set to enabled.
121969/121970/121973: translations problems. The translated
strings are incorrect in Chinese, it’s better to fix them before release
to avoid terminology changes in the next version.
121839 Label is not displayed in chart dialog when select
percent chart type
This is a regression due to the clipping, which is now
working. However it means the layout is incorrectly done, resulting in labels being
clipped out in some cases. There is a workaround: change the label position,
but it’s not very satisfactory, labels should not be clipped out by