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[belgium-ec] Next Eclipse User Group meeting on September 1st 2009


The Belgian Eclipse User Group is proud to present you the program of
its next meeting on Tuesday September 1st 2009 at 18h.
We invited some interesting Eclipse speakers: Jan Van de Poel from IBM
will present us an overview of the JAZZ development framework and
Ralph Müller from the Eclipse Foundation will talk about the Eclipse
ecosystem across Europe.

The goal of the Belgian Eclipse User Group is to unite everybody in
Belgium who builds a product based on Eclipse technology, or who uses
Eclipse as their main IDE. Feel free to forward this mail to
friends/colleagues who might also be interested.

The program for next meeting:
18:00 reception (sandwiches and drinks)
18:30 Hendrik Eeckhaut (Sigasi): introduction + high quality software
assurance for small teams
19:00 Jan Van de Poel (IBM) : Jazz
19:45 Ralph Müller: The eclipse foundation
20:30 networking

This time we will meet at Sigasi, Parkoffice, F. Rooseveltlaan 348,
9000 Gent. You can find a route description at

Attendance is free, but registration is required and the number of
participants is limited (hendrik.eeckhaut@xxxxxxxxxx)

I hope to see you on September 1st,

Hendrik Eeckhaut, PhD
T: +32 485 06 18 93

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