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[basyx-dev] BaSyx minimal server example

Dear BaSyx development team,

I'm having great difficulty to create a simple and minimal example that uses BaSyx with a simple asset (only contains a status that can change).
Indeed, I just don't know what classes to use.
Are some classes in the test source folders core functionalities (sdk/test, or components/test)?

I would simply like to have AAS deployed on a server, with a registry that show how to access it, special components that integrate my legacy devices into BaSyx (updating AAS submodels when device status changes).
I want to mimic the org.eclipse.basyx.examples.scenarios.device.RunSimpleTCPDevice test, but without TCP connection to the device.
So I'm trying to create a subclass of org.eclipse.basyx.components.devicemanager.DeviceManagerComponent that will handle the integration of my devices to BaSyx.
And I want to be sure that my implementation uses as few functionalities as possible, and no test-specific classes.

But I'm stuck at the moment, as I don't know how to avoid the org.eclipse.basyx.examples.contexts.BaSyxExamplesContext_1MemoryAASServer_1SQLDirectory class to create the network infrastructure for handling the AAS server and the registry or even avoiding
Isn't there any other way (simpler way) to create the basic network infrastructure, than to use those test classes?

Best regards,

Nicolas Duminy

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