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Re: [atf-dev] JavaXPCOM ownership

Just want to also making you aware that JBoss Tools/JBoss Developer Studio depends heavily on XulRunner in our Visual Page Editor component.
Thus we are also very interested in having these discussions in public and try and help where we can.


Olivier Rossel wrote:
[Originaly posted on the mailing-list atf-dev]
[Cross-posted on the mozSwing mailing list]

I base my projects on JavaXPCOM and the disappearance of that project
would be extreme bad news.

Please discuss the details of the new status of JavaXPCOM publicly (on
this list or on any other public medium) so users can provide

On Saturday, September 5, 2009, Jacek Pospychala <jacek.p@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
hi Benjamin,

I step in to maintain JavaXPCOM. I very appreciate Javier's work and it's absolutely worth continuing.
To not mention it's fundamental role in ATF existence, there's also a variety of other projects that also
depend on it.
Since it's friday night here, let's discuss the details the coming week, I'll get in touch with you.


Benjamin Smedberg wrote:

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Dear ATFers,

As the primary clients of Mozilla's JavaXPCOM technology, I'm looking for
nominations/volunteers for somebody to be maintainer of the JavaXPCOM
bridge. Javier Pedemonte was formerly the module owner of JavaXPCOM in the
Mozilla code. As far as I know, Javier is no longer available to maintain
this code (he hasn't responded to the emails I've sent).

As part of Mozilla's ongoing work to streamline our codebase and make it
easier to maintain, we're planning on removing JavaXPCOM from the Mozilla
core and have it be maintained as a separate project. I'm afraid that future
releases of Mozilla/XULRunner will happen without a JavaXPCOM project and
tools such as Eclipse which use JavaXPCOM will be stuck on older versions of

If there were an active owner, I'd also like to explore other ways that Java
could embed Mozilla without the complexity and instability from the
JavaXPCOM bridge: perhaps something more like a Java<->_javascript_ bridge or
reusing the Java<->NPAPI bridge to extract information from Mozilla in a
more stable way.

- --BDS
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