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[asciidoc-wg] AsciiDoc user docs successfully rehomed

The AsciiDoc user documentation has been resynchronized [1] from the initial contribution repository under the Asciidoctor project to the AsciiDoc Language project at, where they now officially reside. The “Edit this Page” link on those pages will take you to the correct location in order to contribute [2]. The Asciidoctor project will continue to host a published version of the user docs at until the AsciiDoc Language project is prepared to host them (and perhaps will continue to do so after that point for continuity).

We're still in the process of transferring the remaining outstanding issues from the repository. Once that work is complete later in the week, we'll switch that repository to read-only and archive it.

What this all means is that the effort to transition the user docs from the Asciidoctor project to a subsidiary of the AsciiDoc Language project (where they clearly belong) is finally complete. It's well established that the reason for delay was due to challenges getting the repository for the AsciiDoc Language project set up the right way and in the right location (and complications that ensued). With that behind us, we can finally say that AsciiDoc (the language) has been cleanly separated from Asciidoctor (the implementation from which it was contributed). The long-term work that remains in the AsciiDoc Language project is to utilize the user docs as the reference material for developing a technical specification.

As a reminder, the user docs are the initial contribution to the AsciiDoc Language project but are not themselves the AsciiDoc Language specification. Once the first version of the specification is complete (and perhaps earlier), the user docs will be updated to reflect any changes that were made to the language or lexicon...and will likely be slimmed down a lot to focus on using AsciiDoc rather than on specifying the language. In other words, they'll continue to be a companion to the specification and will evolve as the specification is developed.

Best Regards,


[1] See
[2] The one major implication of this change is that contributors to the user docs will be required to have an Eclipse account and have signed the ECA. But that was understood when we made the switch to the Eclipse Foundation.

Dan Allen, Vice President | OpenDevise Inc.
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