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[asciidoc-wg] G'day from Australia

Hi there folks

I'm Jared and have been a documentarian now for well over a decade (yikes).

I got a taste for open source docs tooling during my six year career at Red Hat. Asciidoctor began as a curiosity for me when Dan took up the challenge of lowering the barrier for engineers to contribute to docs without having to battle with DocBook XML.

But given the passionate community surrounding Asciidoctor and the flexibility of the mark up language I began to rely on it more every day.

I worked with a French developer on HubPress (open source fork-and-run asciidoctor blogging system) and have been spreading the word about AsciiDoc and Asciidoctor to anyone who will listen.

I want to be involved in this initiative because I want to see Asciidoctor adopted more widely, and become a standard that people smarter than me can use to further it's reach through software solutions.

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