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[andmore-dev] SDK Update

I'm not sure what the plans of Andmore are, but after installing it I discovered it wasn't compatible with the current SDK.  For unknown reasons it seemed like a good idea to take a stab updating it.

I see there is an attempt to do a large re-write so perhaps this doesn't prove particularly useful, but I have signed the CLA so in case its useful -

Most the changes are related to the removal of LanguageQualifier & RegionQualifier in favour of the combined LocaleQualifier.

There are some outstanding problems, I'm not sure which were already present:
  • appcompat projects are created from a template which uses the ADT builders so project creation is broken, using the builtin converter fails (though updating the builders in the .project by hand works)
  • IllegalArgumentException on startup (and I think project creation) - URI is not absolute, seems to have an empty string from somewhere
  • Some unknown issue with properties file, possibly related to one of the above
  • NPE in the package when opening the activity editor

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