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Re: [ajdt-dev] crossreferences and gutter for advice

The bug report was created: 117911 [].

I am now noticing the fact that the before and after advice are correctly shown in both places, so it reduces the bug to only around advice.

Unfortunately, I cannot access the Bugzilla (it happens to me all the time, don't know why). So please feel free to check this new information and comment on the issue.

thanks in advance,

.w( the_mindstorm )p.

#: Sian January changed the world a bit at a time by saying on  11/24/2005 3:34 PM :#
Hi Alex,

No, you're not doing anything wrong - I see that behaviour too with the inpath. Please raise a bug and we will either fix it or document it.



Alexandru Popescu <the.mindstorm.mailinglist@xxxxxxxxx> Sent by: ajdt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
22/11/2005 16:48
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AspectJ Development Tools developer discussions

devAJDT <ajdt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

[ajdt-dev] crossreferences and gutter for advice


I have an aspect declaring multiple ITDs and the following advice:


     before(DialogSuper dialog, String stringValue):
execution(void setValue(String)) && this(dialog) && args(stringValue)
         if(L.isDebugEnabled()) {
             L.debug("before(): setting '" + stringValue
+ "' in dialogsuper[" + dialog.getName() + "]@" + dialog.hashCode());
((INavigableModelAwareWidget) dialog).setWidgetValue(stringValue);

and some ITD-s declared in this aspect.

The inpath is set using the AspectJ InPath properties to another project build dir.

Both, the ITDs and the advice are working as expected, but I cannot see any gutter markers for the advice, nor any information in the Cross References view. The ITDs are correctly shown in both gutter and Cross References.

Am I doing something wrong? Is this a know limitation?

many thanks and sorry if I have missed some documentation part on this (I have already said in some other thread that sometimes is happening :-S).

.w( the_mindstorm )p.
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