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Re: [ajdt-dev] building AJDT - final notes

That's good news! Thanks for writing it up, that'll definitely help
others attempting the same.  I'll update the AJDT faq with that extra
information about updating the build files.



On 17/11/05, Alexandru Popescu <the.mindstorm.mailinglist@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi!
> I think I finally got it working. So, for other people trying this adventure here are my notes
> (considering that you are already able to build AspectJ - this is happening exactly as described in
> the docs):
> 1/ check out the modules
> 2/ go to org.aspectj.ajde and create Inside define the variable:
> aspectj.lib.dir=<path to where AspectJ has built the jars>
> 3/ run in org.aspectj.ajde:
>         ant ajdejar
> (This is repackaging aspectj related jars in the way AJDT uses them)
> 4/ manually copy the aspectjweaver.jar and aspectjrt.jar to the org.aspectj.weaver, respectively
> org.aspectj.runtime
> 5/ go inside every build.xml (at least those of the plugins) and fix these lines:
> <property name="aspectj.plugin.home"    value="../../plugins/org.aspectj.ajde_1.5.0.20051010144227/"/>
> <property name="aspectj.weaver.home" value="../../plugins/org.aspectj.weaver_1.5.0.20051010144227/"/>
> by making them point to correct location containing ajde.jar, respectively aspectjweaver.jar
> 6/ go to UpdateSite (Eclipse project name: org.eclipse.aspectj.updatesite) and run ant target:
>         feature-pack.
> (You should be assured that the Ant is running in the same JVM as Eclipse - not sure if this is
> really needed and why)
> 7/ you should finally obtain the zip
> _Another very important note_: if you checked out the AJDT modules somewhere else than the Eclipse
> workspace, than you will need to have the required jars in a directory: ..\..\plugins (relative to
> UpdateSite directory)
> ./alex
> --
> .w( the_mindstorm )p.
> ps1: I am not a hacker; so I have spent almost a whole day to figure out the above.
> ps2: some are saying that by just droping the news AJ jars into an existing AJDT plugin, you will
> have it still working; some are saying this is not gonna work
> ps3: the link: is good to understand in big lines
> what should checkout
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