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[ajdt-dev] fyi - JDT with APT in

I had talked about that and claimed that it will help the @Aj style
for different things some time ago:
(see f.e. javaone slide that gives some details)

- error checking in pointcut and formal binding without going down in
the weaver, or implementing things with proprietary things but just
regular java(x).* API thus having a module that can then be reused in
other IDE, in Ant with regular javac / apt things
- generation of aop.xml
- generation of aspect factory to replace the current reflective
- completion in annotation value (the only one that might not be
portable to other IDE I guess)

this should be in the JDT in summer 2006 and will probably be an
interesting topic, though indeed we do 50% of that with the aspectj
aware JDT we have.


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