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[adoptium-wg] Call for proposals: Share your Adoptium’s projects and technologies Knowledge at EclipseCon 2023

Good day, Adoptium WG members,

We are excited to invite you to participate in EclipseCon 2023, which will be held in Ludwigsburg, Germany, from October 16 - 19, 2023. This is an incredible opportunity to share your knowledge and expertise with the Eclipse community, and we encourage you to submit your proposal for a talk, tutorial, or panel discussion.

At EclipseCon 2023, we seek engaging talks and tutorials covering all aspects of the Java ecosystem. As a member of the Adoptium Working Group, we invite you to showcase your expertise by submitting your proposal for a talk, tutorial, or panel discussion on topics related to Java Runtimes and associated technologies, including but not limited to

  • Best practices for developing runtime and their associated technologies.

  • Infrastructure management and optimization to handle all runtimes technologies and availability. 

  • Testing procedures and automation.

  • Security software supply chain strategies, tools, and implementation.

  • Advantages of being part of a marketplace, AQAvit verified. 

  • Tips and tricks for managing and securing connected devices at scale

  • Case studies and success stories of Adoptium technologies and project implementations.

As mentioned above, the list of topics is just a suggestion; feel free to submit whatever you consider can be shared with the Eclipse community.

The Call for Proposals is now open and will close on June 16. We look forward to reviewing your submissions and are excited to have you join us for EclipseCon 2023.

Best regards,

Carmen Delgado

Adoptium Community Manager | Eclipse Foundation | Twitter | LinkedIn | YouTube 

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